Hodina 4. 4. 2022
Hello after a while 🙂
- Don’t worry about forgetting stuff, that’s normal if you were not playing. We’ll get through this.
- Pick random 3 songs you like – whatever genre, speed, anything you like.
- Try to memorize the melody (learn how to play them)
- If you remember the chords, it would be okay, if not, we’ll try to figure it out.
- Don’t play a lot of „hard classical“ stuff with that device you have rn, it would be much better as soon you have that newer one with a propper dynamics.
- If that 5pm (4pm your time) is okay, let’s settle that as a lesson time, okay!
Hodina 2. 9. 2021
- Hands preparation, relaxation
- Octaves, right & left hands.
- Some scale in octaves – slow it down, clean tones 🙂
- Entertainer
- 10 minutes a day (at minimum), you’ll see 🙂
Hodina 12. 8. 2021
- Warming up, hand relaxation and flexing
- D major scale, both hands (opposite ways)
- Fluency
- Stacking more octaves (2 and more) (independent hands, later we’ll try it with both hands)
- Be strict on yourself, don’t ignore mistakes, use them as a guide or feedback about your progress and parts where you are great and you are not.
- D major scale, both hands (opposite ways)
- The Entertainer
- Intro
- Okay 🙂
- Just play it until you’re sure you know it well 🙂
- Fingering 😀 Magical…
- Main theme
- Right & left hand
- 5th bar (2nd line, 1st bar) both hands together. Syncopathion, gluing together 🙂
- Intro
Hodina 5. 8. 2021
- Warming up
- Joplin – The Entertainer
- Intro
- Right and left hand are in the unisono (same voice).
- Right hand and left hand fingering:
- Right: 4−5−3−1−3−1
- Left: 2 – 1‑2 – 4(or 3)-1 – 3
- Bars 5−−8
- Fingering (numbers)
- Left hand is kinda harder, so just focuse more on that 🙂
- Try the first half of the 5th bar together right and left
- Intro
Hodina 22. 7. 2021
- Hand relaxation
- Fifths, rebounds
- Scales
- Fingering in different scales.
- D major
- Hands from the same note, left goes down, right up, both hands together (opposite ways)
- [pdf-embedder url=„http://klavir.klusik.cz/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/D_major_scale_different_ways.pdf“ title=„D_major_scale,_different_ways“]
- http://klavir.klusik.cz/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/D_major_scale_different_ways.pdf
- Grieg (Waltzer)
- Third line 🙂
- Bach (Praeludium 1 in C major)
- Just try to re-remember it, let’s play it again 🙂
Hodina 16. 7. 2021
Hodina 13. 7. 2021
- Hand relaxation etc.
- Standard stuff
- Scales
- Major scale: W‑W-H-W-W-W-H
- Minor scale: W-H-W-W-H-W‑W
- Chords from scale
- 1−3−5
- Next time – intervals 🙂
Hodina 25. 6. 2021
- Hands preparation, relaxation
- Grieg
- Reading the end of the second line and beginning of the third line.
- Fluidity of those 3 lines all together.
Hodina 10. 6. 2021
- Hands
- Fifths
- Polyrhytms
- 3:2 and 4:3 with counting 😀 It’s much harder it looks 🙂 But you got it.
- Grieg Waltzer
- Recapitulation to 2nd line, 3rd bar.
- 4th bar (2nd line) and 5th bar (2nd line)
Hodina 3. 6. 2021
- Hands
- Fifths – you may use a pencil, if you will (the trick with a pencil)
- Grieg – Waltzer
- First 10 bars
- Last bar on the 1st line and the 1st bar on the 2nd line
- Rhythm
- rests
- Last bar on the 1st line and the 1st bar on the 2nd line
- Fluently
- First 10 bars
- Bach – Praeludium I
- First 4 bars
- Learn it!
- First 4 bars