- Wrist relaxation
- Octaves, chromatic scale with accents. Try to look at and control your thumb, pinkie would do his job automatically 🙂
- Move away your „middle fingers“ when playing octaves, they should be a bit off to the side, because then they didn’t make a contact with a wood 😀
- Chopin – Funeral
- Dotted rhythm with eights and sixteenths 😉
- Chords on the second (and third) line are all together (first bars of the row)
- Pedal work – use the right, not middle 😀
- Chords theory (basics)
- Literature – Jaroslav Kofroň, Učebnice harmonie (maybe there exists some translation, I don’t know)
- Rick Beato: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5SmcH11kUk
- Chords theory: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7OmqeihOXD4
Next time at 12 😉