- Hands, relaxation etc.
- Polyrhythm 7 over 3 (7:3)
- Right hand – scale (any scale)
- Left hand – chord (divided to discret tones) (same scale as in the right hand).
- Polyrhythm 7 over 3 (7:3)
- Písničky
- Holka modrooká – Polka
- V zahradě na hrušce – Valčík (Waltzer)
- Together both hands.
- Grieg, Waltzer 2
- First few bars
- Right hand with a melody.
- Left hand with an accomp. (Waltzer)
- Download: http://klavir.klusik.cz/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Grieg-lyrical-pieces-Op.-12.pdf
- [pdf-embedder url=„http://klavir.klusik.cz/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Grieg-lyrical-pieces-Op.-12.pdf“ title=„grieg-lyrical-pieces-op-12“]
- First few bars